3- Bedroom bungalow located at Kotu, it has 1 master bedroom, 2 other rooms with 1 shared toilet, 1 sitting room, dinning area and kitchen. It has a comfortable veranda, and a garage. Water and telephone line is available and it’s located at a quiet area not far from the highway.
Living Rooms - 1
Bedrooms - 3
Master Bedroom - Yes
Kitchen - Yes
Dinning Area - Yes
3- Bedroom bungalow located at Kotu, it has 1 master bedroom, 2 other rooms with 1 shared toilet, 1 sitting room, dinning area and kitchen. It has a comfortable veranda, and a garage. Water and telephone line is available and it’s located at a quiet area not far from the highway.
Living Rooms - 1
Bedrooms - 3
Master Bedroom - Yes
Kitchen - Yes
Dinning Area - Yes